With Suiteshare, you can capture key customer insights that start a conversation with your WhatsApp company and integrate with RD Station, working on campaigns and marketing strategies for that audience. Turn conversations into WhatsApp chat in Leads at RD Station Marketing Any visitors who initiate a WhatsApp chat conversation on your site by email, phone, and name will be sent as Leads to RD Station Marketing, whether or not they start a conversation with one of their attendants. Email Marketing Campaigns for WhatsApp Automate RD Station, send emails to anyone who just opened a WhatsApp conversation with your team and keep your leads always warm, getting more information from your company also by email. Tired of forms? You can turn on robot mode and replace form fields with a more enjoyable experience to collect the same data from your customers, forward them to your company's WhatsApp and send them to RD Station.
  • Languages: Portuguese

  • Created by: Suiteshare

  • Website

  • This app allows you to send legally based data from your leads to RD Station.

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