Integrate your company’s various communication channels and streamline the relationship between your brand and your customers. Huggy allows you to capture, qualify and send Leads directly to RD Station Marketing. Integrate your contact database All contacts registered in your Huggy account will be automatically transformed into Leads and sent to your RD Station Marketing account. Turn chat conversations on your website into Leads in RD Station Marketing All visitors who initiate a live chat by leaving their name, phone number and email will be sent to RD Station Marketing as Leads, even if they leave the chat. Qualify Leads using strategic questions Create question workflows to collect information during conversations with visitors and provide them with a more human experience. Set up a personalized and automated User Journey Use context variables and customize each customer service interaction, sending Leads to RD Station Marketing and activating workflow automations.
  • Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English

  • Created by: Huggy

  • Website

  • This app allows you to send legally based data from your leads to RD Station.

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