Show your campaign results in detail
You can show to your accounts the number of Qualified Leads, what are the Opportunities generated, and how many customers were earned from a certain amount spent on a campaign.
Find out how much your customers are investing in Inbound Marketing
It is possible to see in Studio the amounts your customers invested in Inbound Marketing and the total sales made. With this, your company can calculate the return on investment (ROI).
Know the cost of each Lead
Through the amount invested by the customers, it is possible to analyze the cost per lead (CPL) and the cost per Opportunity of your customers.
Make decisions from data
From a single report, your agency will be able to quickly and thoroughly analyze the results of the campaigns made in the RD Station Marketing.
With the latest version of the integration, you can connect RD Station Marketing to Studio more easily, with just a few clicks.
Languages: Portuguese
Created by: iClips