Vista is a highly flexible real estate management tool that meets the operational and strategic levels of real estate, customer, business, rental and financial management. The integration makes the contacts registered directly in the CRM to be sent to the RD Station. Thus the marketing can also act on leads that reach brokers by appointment or that arrive directly at the real estate and are registered in the system. Also through integration, leads that are already prepared for a business contact are sent to the CRM, through conversion or marking of opportunity, and directed to a broker for service. During the service, the broker can complement the contact record in the CRM with new information that, if related to RD Station custom fields, will be updated in the lead register allowing segmentation to be created to direct content appropriate to your profile. When the broker finishes the service indicating if there was a gain or loss of the business, this information is also returned to RD Station and can be displayed in the Sales Funnel signaling result of the real estate.
  • Languages: Portuguese

  • Created by: Vista

  • Website

  • This app allows you to send legally based data from your leads to RD Station.

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