RD Conversas by RD
RD Conversas was created to revolutionize the relationship between companies and customers, through digital and omnichannel services. Currently, it has clients in all states of Brazil; Betânia Lácteos, Hard Rock Café, Clínica SIM, Damásio Educacional, Casa Freitas, Sapataria Nova, among others.
Our goal is to facilitate the communication of companies, integrating communication channels; whatsapp business API, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, E-mail, Websites and CRM's. More than 500 million interactions have already been carried out within our platform!
With our app, you will be able to:
Centralize communication channels
Chat with customers
Monitor your customer service team
Have customer service dashboards
Train your team to use Tallos
Use Artificial Intelligence in customer service
Languages: Portuguese
Created by: RD Integrações