Integrate other applications through the plug Connect your apps with a few clicks and move information between them automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. Pluga allows integrations such as: TypeForm-manages leads from surveys and questionnaires, through the integration between Pluga and TypeForm. The responses to your form generate conversions in RD Station, associated with the mail provided by the lead. Payment options (Iugu, Moip,, Pagseguro, stripe or PayPal)-Automate and analyze your payment flow with the integration between Pluga and the main means of payment. For each approved payment, your Lead is marked as a customer, facilitating the entire analysis of your funnel, as well as creating payment workflows that automate welcome messages. In addition, if a payment is failed, it is possible to create processes for new attempts or to do collection with a commercial team effort.
  • Languages: Portuguese, English

  • Created by: Pluga

  • Website

  • This app allows you to send legally based data from your leads to RD Station.

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