inGaia (Kenlo Imob)

inGaia (Kenlo Imob)


The integration allows you to send the leads marked as "opportunities" or when there is a conversion from RD Station directly to the inGaia Imob. You can set up so that every new registered client in inGaia Imob becomes a lead tagged as “ingaia imob" in RD Station Marketing. With the latest version of the integration, each time you perform the actions listed below in inGaia Imob your lead in RD Station Market will be updated as well: - When a client is marked as inactive - When a client is reactivated - Client has visited the property and did not showed interest on it - Client made a proposal and it has been rejected by the Owner - Client made the deal (bought or rented the property)
  • Languages: Portuguese

  • Created by: Kenlo

  • Website

  • This app allows you to send legally based data from your leads to RD Station.

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