Speed in first contact The time between the Lead being generated and the first service contact with them is crucial to your results. Automatically route each new RD Station Lead or Opportunity to Facilita and determine which service line will receive the Leads. You can also create an Automation in RD Station Marketing to set the ideal time to send the Lead to the sales team. Sales Tracking The Lead source in RD Station Marketing is sent to Facilita and you can analyze the Sales results by source channel. You can answer questions such as: Which channel generates more Sales? What is the conversion rate per channel? This way, you are able to check the results of your campaigns. Advanced Automations Create Workflow Automations according to the Sales Funnel stage of the Leads in Facilita.
  • Languages: Portuguese

  • Created by: Facilita

  • Website

  • This app allows you to send legally based data from your leads to RD Station.

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